field study #2

        1. date and time - Sept 30 11:00 - 11: 20
        2. present climate conditions (rain, snow, wind, etc.) rainy and cold, a little cloudy
        3. temperature  - 45˚F
        4. length of day (easily accessible online.) 11 hours, 46 minutes
        5. organisms smelled, felt, heard, or seen, etc (photos/video where possible)  saw a deer, just heard some birds and maybe some insects, nothing much since it is so cold
      1. Items you may not have for every visit but will want to include as you have them:
        1. any other data or impressions from the observation time. It is just cool to see what the forest looks like and how the temperature affects what is there. Many animals will not be outside because it is so cold and it is cool to just be there when it is quiet and reflect on what God has made. There was little to no trash there and it is just crazy to see that when it gets cold, people don't really litter as much and they just tend to throw things away. I’ve never really just gone out in nature and just looked around and listened. But doing this project will really make me wonder and realize how cool nature is and how big our God is and how he made nature.
pictures of areas

Area #1: 

Area #2:

Area #3: 


  1. Make your typing visible and then come see me with the information.


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